Have a blast in UCSD, Maira!

Published by cesar.ramirez on

Our postdoctoral superstar, Maira Rivera, successfully applied for a PROLAB (Promoting Research Opportunities for Latin American Biochemists) fellowship, funded by ASBMB, IUBMB and PABMB.

She will be visiting the laboratory of our long-standing collaborator and friend Elizabeth A. Komives at UCSD, to learn how to use hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDXMS) to characterize the fold-switching protein and regulator of the cyanobacterial cirdadian cycle KaiB. She will also get trained in proteomics and other mass spectrometry strategies alongside our friend and colleague Majid Ghassemian during her stay, which will last from Jan 20th until April 15th.

Have a blast in San Diego, Maira!!